Entries are open

Entries are open. The first deadline for the lowest entry fee will be May 31, 2025.

The first two stages will take place near the town of Mimoň in slightly undulating, fast and well-runnable terrain with contour details, no undergrowth with a moderately dense network of paths. The second part of the race will be near the village of Okřešice, where the Czech Masters Championship took place in June 2024. Here you will find mainly a fast well-runnable pine forest, in some places thickets with occasional pruning, rugged terrain with lots of terrain details (valleys, knolls, depressions) and a large number of sandstone formations (stones, rocks), in some parts sandstone quarries with steep rock walls. In addition to the two long and middle races, a forest sprint was also included in the program.

The invitation

The INVITATION has been published. Entries will be open from November 1, 2024